YES!! That is me finishing one of my songs at Fairwaves Sound for my new CD “FLOWERSONG”! I am excited to see how I have grown since my first CD “This Girl” and to work on the art of the whole project!! There is also MORE exciting news! SONG (Songwriters of Southern New Hampshire Group) will be turning 10 YEARS OLD on January 17th, 2025!! What a wonderful journey that has brought songwriters together from all over New England to share their amazing creations and encouraging one another to keep writing new songs!! We are already working on news articles and thanking all of our members for helping us enjoy your art and share ours! (left photo of the three co-founders of SONG, Mike, Tammy and Dan).


The 10 Miles 2 Neptune cd “Change” has arrived and will be released to all streaming sites and Bandcamp on August 29th!! I am very proud of the lyrics I wrote for this cd and very happy with this creation! I hope anyone who likes Tammy Jann music will appreciate the new sound of this duo group and will give it a listen!!


My new cd THIS GIRL!

10 Miles 2 Neptune is in the final mixing stages of our new cd “Change”! I have written 15 original lyrics for it and it is sounding great! I will post when it is released and streaming!

UPDATE ON MY FIRST CD “THIS GIRL”, This girl has now been streamed 226,735 times around the world! What a great year it has been. Once my first Duo album is released this summer, I will begin working on my follow up to “This Girl” and recording songs for my second cd “FLOWERSONG”. Keep coming back for updates and please keep streaming and watching the Youtube videos!! Every little bit helps! ALSO, I updated my Schedule for the SONGWRITING GROUP and added TWO NEW POEMS!! Check it out!!!


“THIS GIRL”, my very first cd, is doing really well in streaming! Over 100,000 streams! Thank you for all of the listens!! I have UPLOADED 2 NEW VIDEOS of songs from the cd, “REFLECTION” and “I AM FRANKENSTEIN”, you can find them in the “VIDEO” section.


10 Miles 2 Neptune, the new Duo group I am in has spent time at railroad sites taking promo photos for our new cd “CHANGE” which will be out in the Spring of 2023! We have attended a few Open Mics to test out some songs, all originals, stay tuned for more information!!

I have added three NEW SONGS in the MUSIC section, look for “Living Talisman”, “Find Your Light” and “Before the Rain”! I also added two, new poems in the POETRY section, “Meanderings” and “Memories”.

The SCHEDULE section has been updated with the next dates for the SONGWRITER’S MEETINGS (SONG). We have kept everyone safe and are having a great time listening to creations and spending time in such a friendly atmosphere!! EVERYONE’S WELCOME, I am so proud of this group!!

SO MUCH GOING ON!! Thank you for your time and attention and those ears….I appreciate it!!!


I AM SO EXCITED! On May 17th, 2022, my very first cd was released onto Bandcamp and Streaming. This is a dream come true for me, a bucket list entry that is achieved! I am so happy that the cover photo and inside photos were taken by me, it is so satisfying to bring many of your creations together in one place. I will post links here and you can also find them in the “Merchandise section”!


All Streaming Links, Amazon and ITunes:

Also, I posted a new poem I wrote, “I See You” in the “Poetry” section and updated the “Schedule” section, we have been having very safe and productive Songwriter’s meeting, all of the dates and times are posted. I earned my trophy in FAWM (February Album Writing Month), I wrote 14 new songs in the month of February! I have added three of them to the “Music” section, “Be There for Me” and “Winter’s Early Morning”, both collaborations with wonderful friends and my song “Beyond the Gate”.

I am also working on a new cd….WHAT? YES! A Duo/Duet with my Producer, Co-Founder of the SONG Songwriting Group Mike Birch. We have formed a group called “10 Miles 2 Neptune”, so keep checking back for updates! We also will be hosting a few new open mics! SO….CHECK BACK IN on May 17th, there is so much going on for “This Girl”!!!!!


Kicking off 2021 with some new creative hopes and dreams. Always best to keep busy and try to think of new ways to make the best of situations, so, I am working on a new cd (my first). It will be called “This Girl” and I have been in a studio reworking a few old songs and recording new ones. The process is exciting and exhausting, but I will be happy to introduce a cd and have music streaming. This means you won’t be seeing any new music on my Music page until I start FAWM (February Album Writing Month) in February. I love sharing my songs, but I will be holding the cd’s songs close so that I can sell the cd and promote streaming. I am still taking photos, but don’t have a current avenue to display or sell them. I have been writing new poems, I have added three new ones to the POETRY page (click on the tab above to go there), they are: “Our Mission”, “Bookmark” and “Blame the Sky”. I have attended a few online Zoom Open Mics and the SONG (Songwriters of Southern New Hampshire Group) is going strong on Zoom and the monthly meetings can be found in my SCHEDULE section. There are many things that can be imagined and reimagined, I am hoping to stir up my artistic soul and find some amazing things to make this a very creative year! UPDATE: I did finish FAWM with 14 new, original songs and I have posted five new songs on my “MUSIC” page, check them out!!

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